Leading Mobile Health Precision Medicine Research Platform

Federally funded and built in collaboration with the NIH.

All-in-One Digital Health Precision Medicine Research Platform

One platform, one partner for your research needs. Co-developed with the NIH. Proven at scale by over 400,000 participants and over 1,000 study staff.

Participant Cloud

Collect the data that you need for your research while returning valuable information to keep your participants coming back for the long term.

Communications Cloud

Streamline your messages - emails, texts, web, mail, CATI – so you can meet people where they are, close the digital divide and evaluate success with dashboards and analytics.

Recruitment Cloud

Meet your recruitment and diversity targets with custom culturally sensitive outreach websites. Capture leads, develop registries and run automated or high touch enrollment campaigns to turn prospects into consented participants.

Engagement Cloud

Keep your participants engaged, involved and retained over the long term with workflow automation, digital marketing campaigns and high touch one-on-one interactions that build bonds of trust.

Researcher Cloud

Real-time access to your research data exported in a format that you can immediately use with your biostatistics software.

EHR Integration / Data Harmonization

EHR data collection from more than 7,300 healthcare providers using secure, FHIR-based integration including participant control over data sharing.

Bio-Specimen Remote Collection

People expect convenience. Ship bio-sample kits right to their door with tracking, analytics and integrated workflows to support both you and your participant.

Genomics - Return of Results

Return information and value to your participants through a process that has been co-developed with the National Institutes of Health for their largest sequencing initiative.

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